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FAQ's about starting your own jewelry business

Q. I'm ready to get started. What do i need to do? How do I start? 

A. Sign up on my website:  by ordering your starter kit. Once you sign up, I'll help you get your business up and running and help you every step of the way to create your success story. 


Q. How much do I need to sell each month? Quotas????
A. No, you don't have sales quotas each month. If you choose to build a team, you do need to order 25 items (50PV) minimum at our wholesale cost in the month to collect your commission on your downline for the month.

Q. Is there a yearly minimum to keep your consultant discount?
A. In order to keep your consultant status and your wholesale price of $2.75 per item, you need to order 200PV (100 items TOTAL) in a rolling 12 month period from when you enroll. Your starter kit counts. So, if you get the $99 kit you only need to order 65 items total sometime in the next 12 months to keep your discount. If you order either the $299 or $499 kit you're good for the year.

Q. Is there a fee for your website?
A. No. Paparazzi gives us our website 100% free. You can purchase a domain name if you choose, but it is NOT required.

Q. But you can't possibly make any money? It's only $5 jewelry

A. Actually, that's precisely WHY we make money. First off, our company has one of the highest commission rates in the direct sales world. We earn 45% commission on our $5 line, which means $2.25 per item profit. And, since our products are affordable for everyone on every budget, our customers shop often and buy a lot because they get a lot for their money. That means we don't go months and months without a second order from a customer. Most customers order weekly, or multiple times per week. Earnings for Paparazzi Consultants:

Q. Is it going to take up all my free time? I'm busy!!!
A. Since we don't have quotas, you can choose how much time you devote to your business. At first, it may be a bit more time consuming as you learn how to do everything and build your client base. But again, it's your choice how much or how fast you choose to build your business.

Q. Can I earn vacations? Does Paparazzi pay for trips for consultants? Do you have to be a certain rank to earn the trip?
A. Yes! Paparazzi has a wonderful International Vacation each year called our Paparazzi Passport Vacation. The location changes yearly. Some past locations have been Cancun, the Dominican Republic, and Cabo San Lucas to name a few. You do NOT have to be at a certain rank to attend. All consultants regardless of rank are invited. Paparazzi releases info usually in the summer about how we can earn the trip for free or at a reduced price.

Q. Does Paparazzi offer awards and recognition?
A. YES! Our founders LOVE the consultants. They take the time to call us individually each month and congratulate us on our achievements. There are also several sales and leadership awards we can achieve and earn recognition and prizes for those awards at our annual convention in August.

Q. Do you offer training? Or am I all alone to learn this business by myself?
A. As your sponsor, you can always come to me with questions and I will help train you every step of the way so you can be successful. I have a team training group with resources, graphics, and organized training to help you every step of the way. 

Q. How do I invoice my customers?
A. You can use whatever payment processor you are comfortable with. Paypal and Square are the most popular and easiest to use.

Q. Can customers order on my website? How do I get paid for online orders.
A. Yes! Your website is open 24/7 for customers to shop. Orders on your website will ship directly to the customer from Paparazzi's warehouse for a flat $5.95 shipping rate and free if the customer orders $100 or more. Commissions from your website orders and downline activity (if you have a team) are paid on the 20th each month via direct deposit or check (however you set it up when you sign up). If your commission is under $20, Paparazzi will hold it over until the next month and pay you once the total is over $20.

Q. Do I get to pick what I order and how much? 
A. YES! The starter kit is hand selected by Paparazzi, but it includes exclusive pieces other consultants can't get. After your initial kit purchase, however, you can order anything and everything you want any time in any quantity you want. That means you can customize your inventory to meet the needs and wants of your customer base and increase sales.

Q. I've tried other direct sales businesses and never had success. Why would Paparazzi be different?
A. Paparazzi is amazing! It's so much different because the price point is something everyone can afford. We don't have to be pushy salespeople. We just show the jewelry and it sells. People always get new outfits and need new jewelry to go with their new outfits, so they're always shopping. And jewelry makes the perfect gift since you don't have to worry about sizes. We have a wonderful team that will support you and train you every step of the way. Since we don't all carry the same inventory, we don't have a lot of competition like other companies. Plus, there are so many people who've never heard of Paparazzi before.

Q. I'm ready to get started. How do I start? 

Sign up on my website (click join my team), and by ordering your starter kit. Once you sign up, I'll help you get your business up and running and help you every step of the way.

 Paparazzi Consultants:


“Please click this link to see the average earnings for
Paparazzi Consultants: